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New tweet button on guardian.co.uk

2011-01-25 16:10:27 +0000

Powered by Guardian.co.ukThis article titled “New tweet button on guardian.co.uk” was written by Michael Brunton-Spall and Martin Belam, for theguardian.com on Monday 27th September 2010 15.54 UTC

The eagle-eyed amongst you may have spotted that we’ve made another change to the way we implement Twitter sharing across guardian.co.uk. In the top right-hand corner of our content pages, you’ll see a new variation on the Tweet this button. It is part of our ongoing process of trying to make the sharing tools across the site as easy to use and helpful as possible.

Previously, clicking the link in that space would take you through to the twitter.com website, with the input box pre-populated with our gu.com short URL and a headline. What you’ll find now is that a smaller pop-up will open, leaving the article open in the background, making it easier to refer back to when composing your 140 characters - although you may find the first time you try to use it that you have to change your browser settings to allow the pop-up to open. Another detail to note is that by using the button as it is configured at the moment, Twitter is automatically shortening our already short gu.com URL to an even shorter Twitter t.co URL.

Finally, you will notice that once you have tweeted the link, you will see relevant Twitter accounts which you might enjoy following. These are our official accounts for the sections related to that article. If you are a keen Guardian fan and are already following those accounts, it will simply show you the close button.

If you want to implement a similar button on your own site, you can grab the official code from Twitter yourself.

guardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010

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